NYC's Public Schools are in Crisis.
Our schools are deeply segregated by race, socioeconomic status, academic ability, and language status. This segregation isn't just about housing, it's also the result of city's own exclusionary student assignment policies--including zones, screens, exams, and school choice.
Check out our full policy platform here
We call on the City of New York to engage the community in developing ambitious goals and benchmarks toward integrating its schools. These efforts should align to IntegrateNYC's "5 R's of Real Integration," as laid out in the Student Constitution on Real Integration: Race & Enrollment, Resource Allocation, Real Relationships, Representative Staff and Faculty, and Restorative Justice.
Define Integration and set goals: All entry grades reflect the demographics of their home district within 3 years, and their whole borough within 6 years.
Review and Revise Admissions: End the use of discriminatory enrollment screens and practices.
Forge New, Inclusive Educational Models: End Gifted & Talented programs and provide comprehensive support for English Language Learners and Students with Disabilities.
Establish and Office of Integration and Equity: Empowered to develop, implement, and enforce a long term school desegregation and integration strategy.
Conduct a Citywide Equity Assessment of districts and zones, choice and finance policies, curriculum, staffing, and discipline.